Friday, September 25, 2009

Myths about Weightloss

Pills, powders and shakes can make you skinny.

Fat burners, diet pills, nutritional supplements – you know who gets the most out of these products? The manufacturers and sellers. Some of this stuff is extracted from foods and has a role in nutrition, but it’s not a substitute for eating right. And much of the “miracle” drugs you see advertised are exceedingly dangerous to you. Don’t believe me? The next time you see an advertisement in a weight loss magazine for one of these “miracle” products – or if you see a commercial on TV for one – read or listen to the DISCLAIMERS AND WARNINGS that accompany these ads. A lot of this stuff is dangerous and it has no place in a healthy, permanent weight loss and fitness lifestyle.

Sure, if you’re willing to risk exposing your body to these drugs, you might be able to lose some weight – at first. But you will experience no long-term benefits – none! In fact, it’s really much worse than that. “Dieting” in any form that denies your body the essential nutrients and calories it needs to function efficiently can cause you to lose weight…until you stop the diet. And anyone who has “dieted” knows you cannot sustain the diet indefinitely. Your body screams out for nourishment and eventually you give in. That’s when the rebound effect begins. You will inevitably regain all the weight you lost – PLUS SOME. And the regained weight is predominantly fat. During your diet your body cannibalized some of your lean muscle to use as fuel. After the diet, your regained weight does not come back in the form of lean muscle plus some fat – it comes back almost exclusively as fat.

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